Thursday, May 8, 2014

Saying Goodbye.

Tomorrow, the class of 2014 will be graduating. I plan on volunteering at the event, even though the volunteer shirts are long-sleeved and it's supposed to be a high of 91°F tomorrow and I might actually, literally die.

My job tomorrow will be a "Front Entrance Outside Greeter", which means I'll be one of the first faces the lovely attendees of tomorrow's event sees, casually overheating in a green long sleeved-shirt. I've been practicing my enthusiastic greetings for about an hour, so I know I'll be really prepared to show the spirit of RCAD tomorrow. Right now it's something like "Hello welcome to THE THING GrADUATION OH GOD I'm gonna miss your SON/DAUGHTER/FAMILYMEMBER/FRIEND SO MUCH". So yeah, I'm working on it.

I've never been to a Ringling College Graduation, so I guess this will help prepare me for what to expect next year. I'm probably going to cry, because I'm very good at crying and will sometimes tear up due to making prolonged eye-contact with people. I don't know that's just something that's going to happen.

So to the Graduating Class of 2014: Don't go. I'll miss you all. 

Hahahaha, just kidding not really!!!!! Go out there and live your lives. Blog about it, and tell other people to read my blog as well. Also keep reading my blog. Also don't leave.

Okay, well. See you around.
Well that wasn't a good story at all

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