Monday, June 23, 2014

My Birthday is Tomorrow

Yesterday, my dad called me to remind me that SOMEONE'S birthday was coming up really soon!!!!!! It was his. His birthday is June 29th. He's been using this joke for exactly 21 years now.

But more importantly, let's talk about me. I mean that's why I have this blog. Entirely selfish reasons, because I am an entirely selfish person.

"Birthday Happy" #gooddesign

Right now at work I'm working on a deck about Millennials and the different segments within the Millennial lifestyle and values. It's weird to research on so much, considering I AM a Millennial. Also that's a weird word which most operating systems don't recognize when written in plural. Anyway, I recently read "YOUTH MODE: A REPORT ON FREEDOM", from a trend forecasting group, and it was pretty interesting.

Look out guys, this blog is getting intellectual. (not really, not at all actually, I just read sometimes)

The overarching concept behind the report was that targeting to specific age definitions is irrelevant, because the idea of "youth" is a lifestyle as apposed to a timeline when someone was born. The writing is airy and a little pretentious for my tastes, but the idea was cool so I figured I'd share it.

I guess I get it, I don't really FEEL like I'm growing up, or whatever the case may be. Because on part of me is like "YES! I'm a full-fledged adult! I did it!! Wow!" But the other part is like "I don't even have a driver's license, who do I think I am".

There was no purpose to this post, literally. I thought to myself, "Hey my birthday is tomorrow, I should blog about it!!" and it got a lot deeper than I anticipated. My friend told me something on his birthday that I found funny enough to share on facebook, and I'm going to repeat it here. Right now. Here it is:
"I feel like once you reach your mid 20's, your birthday is really just about surviving to the next one instead of actually celebrating anything" 
So, I guess I have that to look forward to.

IN SUMMATION: I want a coconut-scented candle for my birthday. And shoes. I'm a size 7.5. 

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