Thursday, June 5, 2014

Play it cool.

This week, I started my new internship. I was really excited, it's a whole new place with new people and all new experiences! What a time to be alive.

The night before the first day, I was really nervous. We were scheduled to have an orientation of sorts, seeing as it's a bigger agency with more interns. The feeling of anticipation and excitement was almost nostalgic, it felt like the first day of classes. And first impressions on the first day are always important, not only to try to impress your supervisors, but also to seem like you're really cool to your peers/fellow interns, and not lame at all.

So here I am with the internal struggle of SOCIAL INTERACTIONS. As you read this, please note that this is basically how I handle my life every day only less dramatically and not really like this at all, only on certain occasions, really. I think there are three ways it could go down, more or less, with two extremes. In most circumstances, I am one of the two extremes with literally no space for middle grounds.

    • This is the one that I usually encounter. I get so hyped up on the adrenaline of a new _____, that I kind of forget how to function as a calm person.
    • In retrospect, even I find myself annoying, but hopefully it's in that endearing, bubbly kind of way that you can slowly forget about as you get to know me better.
    • Other times, my nerves get in the way and I kind of just sit around and smile and fidget a lot. There's not really much more to say to these situations because they're just about awkward as I feel talking about them. Minus Points.
  3. The "Oh, you know, just living life"
    • I was talking to one of my friends and she told me that I just had to play it cool, to which I replied "i DoN'T KNOW IF I cAN??????" But this is the ideal state that you want to come into. Really nonchalant, excited in a way that doesn't seem like you're forcing it. Pretty much if you live your life this way, I think you're REALLY COOL and I aspire to be like you. 
    • The danger of this one is playing it TOO cool, at which point you may come off as a bitch. But I mean, just don't be a mean person on top of the layer of nonchalance and you can generally avoid that misconception.
If you're reading this entry and happen to be a fellow intern, then I hope I fit in category 3 this week. And if you're relating more to categories 1 or 2, it's okay, we've all been there. Just you know, play it cool. My method is cracking really awkward or bad jokes and then laughing at them to convince everyone around you that you're funny. 

This was the first picture I found image searching "interns" on google.

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