Sunday, October 26, 2014

I talk about my friends a lot

Are you ever going about your day to day life when you suddenly realize something about yourself. Maybe your friend points something out about you that you hadn't noticed before, and all of a sudden you're hyper aware of it. For instance, there was a time where I made a lot of How I Met Your Mother references, until my professor pointed it out in passing and from that point on I mentally tallied how many I made.

Like this one, right now, we're living it.
I realized recently that another one of the subjects I talk about a lot is my friends. "Aww, that's nice!", you think to yourself innocently. And I mean, it isn't a MEAN thing, but it's not necessarily the way to win people over either. The longer I think about it, the more I think of the kid from Magic School Bus who was always telling her classmates about how things were at her old school, despite the fact that she was on a literal Magic School Bus, and no one cared about her old school.

This isn't to say my friends aren't cool! All of my friends are cooler than me, it's basically a scientific fact that, if you're my friend, you are cooler than me on a multitude of levels. Probably the only skillset I have that trumps my friends skills is my ability to get over 40 "likes" on a cover photo of the solo jazz cup pattern, and that's not even a skill I can attribute to my own abilities so much as the millennial's inherent love of anything even slightly nostalgic. I have a friend who like, makes her own yarn by hand and then knits them into original sock patterns. Why WOULDN'T I mention that all the time? Probably because I talk about all my friends constantly, and after a while these anonymous people don't even seem real anymore.

SO AT THE END OF THE DAY, I just wanna say, talk about yourself and your life adventures more! Don't be like me, some girl whose conversations are usually about how much cooler her friends are. Because really, that's annoying and eventually my friends will catch on to the fact that I'm borrowing cool parts from the people I know instead of actually being cool. If you find yourself on a Magic School Bus, don't talk about your friends from the past. Mildly panic about the fact that you're on a Magic School Bus and question your overall sanity, because as far as I know, there is no such thing as a magic bus.

"More like a Magic School BUST!"

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